Yaniaso Games is the fictional game company responsible for creating all of the Lacey games. It was cofounded by Grace Asop and Rocío Yani and was active from 2004 through 2010.
Yaniaso Games was created by Rocío Yani and Grace Asop in 2004. The first game under Yaniaso Games is Lacey's Love Meter, made in 2004, with Lacey's Wardrobe being published in 2006.
The "bad endings" of the games, such as in Lacey's Diner, started to appear around mid 2007[1], along with Rocío's harsh responses on the website. Grace did not know about the additions to the games, and was confused years later when they were brought to her attention.
By 2009, Yaniaso Games had over 50 games on their website, and created a promotional song, in which Rocío's scream can be heard. Rocío would voice Lacey in the games and in the song, which Grace states "really stressed her out".
In 2009, Rocío "permanently killed off" Jay in Jay's Skating Game, causing parents to angrily email Grace. Rocío later deleted all of Jay's games, and removed her from the main site entirely. Jay started showing up dead in other games, such as Lacey's Makeup Parlour.
Yaniaso Games disbanded in 2010, when Rocío and Grace went their separate ways.
A version of the site can be found on Neocities. While on the about page, a secret can be found by loading the missing Lacey image in another tab.
Refer to the Lacey Games (website) article for more history and information on the in-universe site!