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Lacey Games Wiki

Transcriptions for hard to read texts in the Lacey Series.

Lacey's Diner

Lacey's diner - fig 58


Fig . 58

What growing up is all about. go..and put me on death row..with skid rope and [brown?] boy...they fished in the river, and pulled out my body. pronouncing me dead in the name of the [???]..caught in between, I had blown out the brains

Lacey's Diner - Ingrained Paranoia


While it was still twitchin'. for memories are no substitute. Part of the ingrained paranoia was owed

directly to the fact they used to teach kids such perverse little bizarre lies that they passed off as the truth

Lacey's Diner - Cigarette Butts


these moments were hard to forget because they were superglued from my heels to my thighs and not even the strongest bird beak could peck it off. the smoke tinted me in grey forever and it made me tear up so much i almost cried in front of him once. never again

Lacey's Diner - Roaches


first they dominated the ceiling of my room. but then i started seeing them everywhere

bugs and bites and dirt and ash and vomit where they shouldn't have been. they were all cloudy but crisp and very jumpy and i wanted to suck it all inside of me like a reverse frog dissection and end it all for once

Lacey's Diner - Pornography


face sucked by the static. the grains tickled uncle's eyes with pleasures. he was the same as me but didn't want to admit it. he lived in a world of his own where he was desirable and sensual and he got so used to his lies that he believed what the computer would whisper into his ear

Lacey's Diner - Condom


And when he looked down and saw my little bruised cheeks smiling back at him, the exact size of his sweaty palm. even though they could be shaky, he was always the type to see the positive in things

and he couldn't keep the mayo from raining all over it like a mad fever dream. what a relief, any thought of wrongness was dissipated long before it got into his mind, and screams were inaudible to his ears. it was just bliss .

Lacey's Diner - Broken Glass


Tip of your fingers, it firstly breaches your skin layers getting underneath your nail. slowly but steadily into your blood vessels. it loves to feel all your fat swirling around it as it rips through your muscle and touches the very core of your bones. [cmon sweetheart?] just a little kiss

Lacey's Petshop

The Disturbing Rabbithole of




