Lacey Games Wiki
Lacey Games Wiki
Rocío Yani
Personal information
Species Human
Gender Female
Hair color Black w/ pink racoon tails
Eye color Black
Occupation(s) Yaniaso Games Cofounder
Family Unknown
Friends Grace Asop
First appearance Lacey's Diner
Latest appearance Lacey's Petshop
Portrayed by ghosttundra

Rocío Yani is one of the cofounders of Yaniaso Games, along with Grace Asop.


As said on her and Grace's about page on "As videogame lovers, we wanted to create a safe space for kids to play all of our games with the beloved Lacey and her friends!" Not much is known about Rocío's true personality besides the fact she is hiding a lot from Grace.


Rocío is seen in Lacey's Petshop. Her name was briefly seen in Lacey's Diner, and a drawn sprite of her was shown for a frame.


Not much is known about Rocío. She parted ways with Grace in 2010, and her current location is unknown. She is connected to the changes in the Lacey Games. Her name is stated directly in Lacey's Diner, and many scenes in Lacey's Petshop imply this. There are many theories on the specifics, but nothing has been outright shown in the episodes.


Lacey Games characters
Lacey's Flash Games LaceyJayMaisieStalkerUnclePuddles
Real-life charchar887Grace AsopRocío Yani
Other Background Characters